TY Fundraising
Halloweem Raffle
With Ms N. Donoghue we organised a Halloween Raflle. We made up a hamper full of goodies and sweets. Tickets are available from the canteen over break time for €1 per strip. The winner will be announced on Friday 26th of October.
First Year Soccer Tournament:
Some of the lads in Class Brahms have started fundraising for the trip to Dublin in May. They are holding a soccer tournament at lunch-time, at a cost of €2 to enter. Unfortunately the first day of the tournament had to be cancelled due to weather conditions, but as soon as the weather picks up, it will be underway. This is a great way to fundraise and the lads have done great work.
Bake Sale:
Class Brahms are on a roll with fundraising! A group of the girls held a bake sale in the canteen last Tuesday (9th October). There were lots of things to chose from and it went down a treat! The girls have made a great contribution to the fundraising and we hope that they will hold another one very soon!
Smoothies & Milkshakes:
On Friday the 19th two of the girls from Class Brahms make smoothies and milkshakes to fundraise for the TY Arts fund. They went down a treat and everyone enjoyed them.
With Ms N. Donoghue we organised a Halloween Raflle. We made up a hamper full of goodies and sweets. Tickets are available from the canteen over break time for €1 per strip. The winner will be announced on Friday 26th of October.
First Year Soccer Tournament:
Some of the lads in Class Brahms have started fundraising for the trip to Dublin in May. They are holding a soccer tournament at lunch-time, at a cost of €2 to enter. Unfortunately the first day of the tournament had to be cancelled due to weather conditions, but as soon as the weather picks up, it will be underway. This is a great way to fundraise and the lads have done great work.
Bake Sale:
Class Brahms are on a roll with fundraising! A group of the girls held a bake sale in the canteen last Tuesday (9th October). There were lots of things to chose from and it went down a treat! The girls have made a great contribution to the fundraising and we hope that they will hold another one very soon!
Smoothies & Milkshakes:
On Friday the 19th two of the girls from Class Brahms make smoothies and milkshakes to fundraise for the TY Arts fund. They went down a treat and everyone enjoyed them.