Lizzy & Jessica from the Acitve Citizenship area of The Concern Campaign Academy visited the TY students. First the Students played a game called "Global Bingo", where you had to fill out the sheet pictured below. Once you had a row across, and a row down, you won! Colm Brennan was the first winner!
"We talked about how Uganda is the fastest growing economy in Africa. Everyone was surprised by this!"
Lizzy talked about the "Kony 2012" Campaign and about it's sucess as it was a good campaign. She told us that she believes that there is a conspiracy that the CIA are behind it all, but she also told us to take that with a pinch of salt!!
After that, we played the "Name that Campaign Quiz". Lizzie and jessica put pictures of different campaigns on the board and we had to try and get them all.
Lizzie then asked us if anyone was interested in joining the Campaign Academy ourselves. Up t0 6 students per school can go to a workshop once a month, visit the Dail and at the end of the year, have a graduation and stay overnight in Dublin. Some students were very interested in this and signed up for it. We look forward to seeing how they get on later in the year!
The "Global Bingo" sheet
Colm Brennan, The winner of "Global BIngo", with Lizzie